How To Match Goals and Designs For Your Home Add-Ons

There comes a time in the life of a home builders San Antonio when addition to your home design becomes necessary. Sometimes, the additions can be mini projects or sometimes it could be as big as the house itself. The additions that you give to your home depends largely on the needs of your family and how deep your pocket is. So, how do you know the right situation for you? Below are a few home-addition ideas for you. 

Home Addition Ideas

Check out the home addition idea below. 

  • Bump Outs 

A bump out serves the purpose of hanging out new space in your home renovation San Antonio. When you are adding a Bump out as a home builders San Antonio, you don’t need to dig a new foundation. This makes bump outs to be a very economical add-on. However, if you estimate bump outs on a square foot basis, they are quite pricey. Also, bump outs can only be three feet wide and 10-12 feet long. 

A walk-in closet, space for a kitchen island, turning a spare bedroom into a family room, or enlarging any room in the house that might use a little extra square footage are all excellent candidates for a bump out addition in your home renovation San Antonio project. 

  • Garage Converting 

If you need an extra living space in your home, converting your garage is a very good idea. It is also cost effective. With a garage, you already have a structure, all you need to do is add a HVAC, flooring and sheet rock. However, garages are usually not located very close to rooms and dining areas, so they may not make for a good bedroom. However, garages can be converted to nice studio apartments that have their own entrance. Garages can also be used as a children’s play room or home office. 

  • Sunrooms 

Sunrooms can become a huge part of your house because they offer a lot of light and serenity. Sunrooms can be added to various parts of the house depending on your taste and budget. Many people see sunrooms as a good way to enclose the patio so that the beauty of nature can be enjoyed in a very comfortable setting. 

Sunrooms are also excellent when they are used as  children’s playrooms or gaming rooms, home Alternately, homeowners can install a hot tub for a home spa or fill them with plants to make a conservatory. They can also be used to expand the living space to make family rooms or areas for hosting visitors.

Final Thoughts 

Home add-ons are a great way to bring back the excitement you once had when you moved into your home. Home add-ons can bring out the best in a part of your home that you didn’t even know that held beauty. You can enlarge a room, add a room or two,etc. There is almost no end to what you can do when adding to your home. Give us a call at for your home remodeling.