use videos on your site

How to effectively use videos on your site

Is it worth using videos on your site? How to use them properly? What content types to choose? Check here!

Using videos on your site: a guide

Today, making high-quality videos yourself is really child’s play, thanks to affordable smartphones and cameras. Are videos a suitable way to promote your activity on your site? Are they worth investing in it?

Whether it’s video headers, video backgrounds, or explanatory videos, together with guys from SECL Group, we have gathered several great ideas for you to exploit the full potential of this media on your site. Find out how to use videos on your site to impress your visitors.

Explanatory videos or video tutorials

We all watched this kind of video, for example, to help us repair a bike or create Christmas decorations.

All professionals and small businesses in all sectors can share their know-how through this. To make this type of video, you will probably need several attempts before achieving a convincing result. Nevertheless, explanatory videos will help you assert your expertise and impose yourself as a reliable source of information. Even better, they could even appear in the zero position in Google search results.

Tutorial, guide, step-by-step video, explanatory video… no matter their name, their structure is fundamentally similar. First, you introduce yourself, then explain everything as clearly as possible. The contents of the FAQ of your website or purchase guide are also good topics for a step-to-step video.

Whatever your preferred format, be sure to adapt your advice and explanations according to your activity and expertise. To appear credible, address topics you know expertly.

Note: making a short video on a single subject is quite suitable and even highly recommended. Of course, you want your video to be as complete and useful as possible, but be aware that the attention of Internet users decreases considerably after 6 minutes when they watch an explanatory video.

Product videos

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to take the best photos and write the most convincing descriptions, the usefulness of your product and its instructions remain unclear. What is the solution to this problem? A video that is focused on presenting the product in action.

When you show a product in action, people are better aware of its possibilities and are, therefore, more likely to place orders. For example, the Zappos online sales site presents its shoes from several angles and includes a video of a person going back and forth, shoes on their feet. No need to reinvent the wheel: this simple idea can make all the difference.

Another good idea is to present the product and its environment. For example, if you have a seasonal rental site, a video will be a great way to show your apartment around all its corners and its wonderful surroundings.

If you have a musician or music group site, your product is none other than your music, so remember to insert videos of your concerts.

Tip: add subtitles to your videos, if possible, to make your website accessible to people with disabilities and adapt to users who do not want to activate the sound.

Presentation of your work and history

As an entrepreneur, you must promote your products and “sell yourself,” especially to create a connection with your customers. This is already the case when you meet people in real life, but it is quite possible online via your website, especially by creating a powerful “About” page. This type of presentation video will also perfectly complement your CV site.

Go further by offering videos about you, your team, and your work. Show what motivates you every day at work. This kind of content makes you more accessible and authentic to visitors. They believe in you and feel closer.

If you have the budget needed, it may be wise to hire a videographer to create a short video about you because he can ask you the right questions and film you in your best light.

Headers and backgrounds

The header is the element at the top of your site. In general, this is the first thing your visitors see. A video header is, therefore, an extremely effective tool to immediately attract the attention of Internet users.

A video presentation of your product or service in action allows your visitors to know what you offer as soon as they arrive on your site.

An ambient video clip is also a good idea for a video header. For example, a scene on a quiet beach, without too much movement apart from that of the waves. The relaxed atmosphere conveyed would lend itself perfectly to the site of a psychologist or a spa hotel.

Before using a video header or video background, first, ask yourself the following questions.

Is it really useful, or is it too distracting?

You must draw attention to your site, but not too much. If the video is too fast or too extravagant, your visitors will likely leave your site immediately.

Where can I find quality video clips for the background of my site?

There are a lot of free image banks and background pattern platforms for your site. Many of them also offer video clips to download. They are rather mood videos, which, placed in the right place, give a beautiful effect in the background. Take a look at Shutterstock, Pixabay, Artgrid, Pexels, and Videezy to find your happiness.

Are video headers on sites optimized for mobile?

If you use a video header or video background on your site, consider optimizing the experience on mobile devices. Your videos will be displayed on mobile devices, but the viewing experience will be a little different. Check that these videos do not contain any key elements that a mobile user may inadvertently miss.

Use the videos wisely

Videos are fascinating media: they attract attention, convey a specific message, and arouse emotions in your visitors. Used correctly, they offer your customers a good idea of how your product works, its aesthetics, and its identity. However, be careful not to abuse them and to choose them carefully. Use common sense, test different video clips, and do not hesitate to ask for the opinion of others. Insert a video in a place where your texts and photos are not enough to transmit your message.

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